Our article on „Dean’s List” – And an appeal to our customers
In the current issue of Harness Racing Update from our American colleagues, "Harness Legend" Dean A. Hoffman appeared again with his "Dean's List". In his column (see page 8) he quotes the article from our English-speaking sister platform www.breedingtrotters.com on Stallion Champions of 2015 and the history behind it.
A few more words to the mentioned sites: Harness Racing Update closed it’s doors last year. On multiple requests, the website was this year reorganized in January and sent back online. Now a call came to the readers and advertisers:
All these points also apply to our websites! Therefore our appeal to our readers is to support our ad clients, by simply clicking on their ads, which are mostly linked to their own websites. And who does not yet receive our sites in the newsletter, you can do so here.
Every potential ad customers, we want to make our online portals even more palatable, especially since March brought a new attendance record for www.trabrennzucht.at in the meantime the fourth year of its existence …

... and for www.breedingtrotters.com the best level since the highlight from May 2015:
All the details can be proved at our provider.
Our newsletter now goes worldwide to 1,300 e-mail clients, all of which are directly connected to the harness business!
We would also like to point out that we have of course deduct tax for our websites, although the portals to not get even. So Please help, www.trabrennzucht.at and www.breedingtrotters.com stay free!
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